Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Family Walk

Another obvious and easy way I get my kids outside several times a day is just to go out for walks. We are currently in an apartments so we don't have a yard. A minus of that is for our kids to go outside, we have to take them, but on the other hand, we have a lot fewer chores to do so we actually have the time to take them out and not feel stressed.

A routine, family walk is a great habit to get into for family bonding, exercise, and just to calm down before bed. We find that if we do it right before bed, our toddler falls to sleep a little later, so we try to do it before dinner. Some evenings, she begs to go out again though, so we usually comply.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Start a Garden

One obvious way to get you kids outside is to start a garden. Don't have a large backyard? Well, we started gardening at a church. We take our two kids 2 or 3 times a week and they can run or crawl around while we work. Hopefully, in a couple of years, they will be pulling some weeds too. They also get to see, smell, and taste the produce that we grow.